my sweetheart

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I don't know what to do

I browsing through Cambridge University web page just now and I missed it. No,I am not spend my studies there but I've got an offer to further my study there,once. I missed having the opportunities of showing my abilities to the world. And yes,I've dropped it because of some reason. In the meantime,while browsing I keep thinking to further my degree since I only have my diploma and you know this world doesn't give a shit anymore about a Diploma holder and yes,I am embarrassed by it. Public said that Diploma holder are nothing and at least you should be a Degree holder to actually obtain a good position in a established company. And to be told,it hit me in my face quite a lot when I'm applied for a better position in a high name company these day.

Being judged to someone who I barely know is out from my league actually,but from someone who I look upon high,is actually hurt. Yet,I determine to further my study even by hook or crook and I will do it just to throw my Degree certificate right in front of their face one day. Well,you messed out with the wrong person. Since I am not born wealthy like some of yours,so it might take a while to do so. But I've set the plan and yes,with God's will,it will happen to be true someday. 

I don't know why these people are being do judgmental about a diploma or a degree holder. Hello,we were not buying those certificate but we earned it. So why the diploma holder like myself being left out and ignored? Somebody gotta showed up and explain it because I deserved much more better than this crap that you pulled. Plus,how come the "just" graduated person without an experience will be able to be accepted in your company if you,the BOD doesn't give a chance to him/her to gain an experience at your workplace?

 I pity your son/daughter when they will go apply the job one day and these thing will happen to them,turned out worse than mine. This is the big issue to be look out for rather than some skank artist that got married and finally divorce. They sure got issue with each other meanwhile I got issue with the world.


Maria Elena Zarul said...

salam amal =)

dont worry, rezeki dalam tangan Allah swt. i believe that you will achieve your dreams. when ppl put you down, it's only because they're challenging you to be better =)
and you will be, in sha Allah!
take your time, keep praying and do your best! you can do it!!!

btw, see you this saturday k love!!
thanks sebab sudi join!

amal ismail said...

Wsalam,i can't believe.. the most famous blogger actually reading and leave a comment on my blog.. thank you sis! And I know that they challenge me to be better and yes,i take that challenge to actually improve myself in the future..

I look upon to meet you this Saturday,in sha Allah i will be there..

p/s : Do i get the coupon? wee :D